New SCA Student Leaders Are Officially Inaugurated.

"Commit ourselves to all the members of our school. We will lead by example and with excellence. We will care with encouragement and empathy. We will inspire with passion and perseverance. With all our heart!"

The student leaders clenched their right fists and solemnly read the oath. Witnessed by all teachers and students, the new SCA student leaders are officially inaugurated.

What is Given is not Power

This is not so much a swearing-in ceremony as a grand and sincere handover and testimony. After two months of competitive election, voting, selection and probation, the new student leaders were officially selected, and assumed the responsibilities and obligations entrusted by the SCA teachers and students, becoming an important force to promote the development of the SCA.

What should a "leader" be like? It is a word with a profound meaning.

Student leadership means being proactive and setting an example for others. A leader should be a"guider".

"Leaders are not given power, but responsibilities and obligations."

At the inauguration ceremony, Mr. Yao Zhen, the parents representative and Chairman of the Parent-School Co-Education Committee, and Ms. Fiona Wang, executive principal of the SCA, shared their understanding of "leader". They believed that the word “leader” is not equal to "leadership" or "management". Only when leaders have the courage to take responsibility and fulfill their obligations can they be trusted and followed by more people, and their power is given by those who trust them.

As the classic line in Spider-Man goes: "With great power comes great responsibility". Power can be ability or power, which means responsibility. This perfectly interprets the core spirit of the SCA student leaders.

At the SCA, student leaders will be the "public servants", which can be seen in the ways they lead others. In a word, they are guiding, caring for and inspiring others. Far-sightedness and foresight mean "guiding others". Being good at listening and loving peers mean "caring for others", and being willing to make contributions and work hard means inspiring others.

The student leaders of the Student Council, the Houses and the CCA walked to the stage with confidence and generosity in their formal dresses. When they took the suits from their teachers, put on the leaders' badges awarded by their teachers, or took over the items symbolizing different CCA, they all made their vows and bowed to the audience.

From teachers to students, from big hands to small hands, from the past to the future, you can see in detail that trust and love are silently passed forward. The student leaders took over the burden and the responsibilities to fulfill their commitment and achieve self-improvement. As they shone in the light, we, as spectators, were deeply touched at this moment, and had great expectations for them.

What Kind of Leaders Should I Be

With the cheers and warm applause from the audience, the students understood that leadership is not only about a temporary promise, but also full trust and expectation from teachers and students, which they should try their best to live up to. So, how do these New Captains think and practice about "what kind of leader I should be"?

The Student Council: A Communicator and Problem Solver with Empathy

The SCA are young, which means that there is great potential to tap and many rules and regulations to be improved. As the leaders of the second Student Council, in the face of more challenges, we should face them bravely, overcome difficulties and be problem solvers.——Angelina, the President of the Student Council 

The student leaders are elected by students themselves. They want us as representatives to solve the problems that everyone cares about and organize campus activities. For this reason, I must also empathize with the students and listen to their voices and find solutions. This is my action plan. ——Alex, the Vice-President of the Student Council

"The Student Council is one of the organizations at the SCA, which is completely composed of students themselves. It is the bridge linking the school with the students. To meet students’ demands, we will promote communication between the school and the students, and among the students. —— Howie, The Treasurer of Student Council

The Houses: Setting the Common Goals, Focusing on Individuals and Embracing Collective Sense of Honor

"In the Houses, we often need to work together. I will rationally arrange duties according to the characteristics of my classmates. Meanwhile, I will lead everyone to achieve our common goal, which is to become the best House, so that every student has the motivation to complete the task!" -- Jakson, the captain of the House of Vision

"The leaders of the Houses can find the strengths of others. We should help others instead of ordering them. I found that every student in our House has his or her own strengths. This year, I will try my best to help students to get the opportunity to express themselves. -- Helen, the captain of the House of Valiant"

"I have always felt nervous about whether I can be a good leader of the House. When I waved the House flag on the stage and received the badge from the teacher, my heart was full of power, which was from the support of the House members. Although I am not perfect, I believe I will go forward with such a sense of honor. -- Corrina, the captain of the House of Virtue"

CCA: Influence Others with Love and Persistence

I love music and always wanted to have my own band. Last year, I entered the SCA Band after winning the competition. As the head of the band, I founded my first band, Fantastica. We appear in various large-scale activities in the school, such as the Open Day, Innovation Day, Art Festival and so on. Our efforts have not only made our campus colorful, but also made the members more confident and energetic. -- Tinner, the President of the Band of CCA"

Agency to Lead

The SCA places great emphasis on Education for Agencies, namely learning ability, leadership and survival skills. In addition to focusing on the cultivation of academic ability and survival skills, we also pay attention to students' conduct and provide various support for students' personality development, especially the development of "leadership".

SCA’s three major student organizations, namely the Student Council, the Houses and CCA, play an important role in improving students’ leadership. They are the stages for students to show their abilities, and also the places to unleash their potential in their youth.

The Student Council

As we can see, some students worked in many SCA activities. For example, during the School Orientation Camp, they planned and organized the Bonfire Night. On Teacher's Day, they came to the school early and sent flowers and blessings to the teachers. On the Open Day, they serve as volunteers to guide parents and answer their questions. They are students from the Students Council.

The Houses

Every student who enters SCA belongs to a house. There are three houses: House of Virtue, House of Vision, and House of Valiant. It is encouraged that the students represent their respective houses, take the lead in various activities, develop a sense of teamwork, cultivate self-confidence and self-esteem, learn from classmates or peers of different ages and win honors for their own houses.


Basketball team, football team, model club, business club, horticultural club, band... The CCA of SCA is led by students. With the same interests and hobbies, students gather together to set up clubs and teams, jointly plan and organize CCA activities in the semester with the assistance of teachers with experience or background in related fields.

At the SCA, every student can be a leader, and the leader team of the students organization is open to all students. Students will enter the "leader probation period" after voluntary registration, interview, speech campaign, and winning the votes of teachers and students. During the one-month "probation period", student leaders can not only gradually explore their own working methods and find their directions, but also give teachers and students the opportunity to observe them and help them to improve their work.

"Leading", "Caring" and "Inspiring", the students leaders of the SCA are bringing changes to the school with self-driving, self-discipline and self-confidence. Captains, Assemble! The second student leadership of the SCA has been officially inaugurated. In the future, they will move forward to fulfill their mission. They will open a new chapter for the SCA.

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