SCA Primary School Curriculum

Around the six supra-disciplinary themes, SCA designs every unit with a specific theme in the inquiry curriculum. The six themes are independent of each other, and all are interesting, relevant, and important, with a suitable level of difficulty.

Singapore Mathematics Curriculum
The mathematics curriculum in SCA is based on the textbook approved by Ministry of Education, incorporating CPA teaching method and heuristics solution, in order to cultivate math thinking and practical problem-solving ability in students.
Meanwhile, the English curriculum in SCA also teaches the basic terms of math, helping students gradually understand and analyze math in second language, and preparing them for further learning.

SCA English Curriculum
The English curriculum in SCA is also based on the textbook approved by Ministry of Education, incorporating STELLAR teaching method, namely strategies for English language learning and reading.
This teaching method includes Shared Reading, Supported Reading, Know, Want to Know, Learned (KWL), and Writing Process Cycle, which also supports students to solve math problems in English.

Multiple Sports Curriculum
Making full use of its venue advantages, SCA, in accordance with students' hobbies, provides golf, swimming, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, equestrian, rock climbing, football, tennis and other sports courses. By taking all-round training courses in terms of skills, physical fitness and strategies, students can know which sports they really love and are good at.
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